Once upon a time, there was a strikingly stunning woman, who lived in the camming kingdom. It very much seemed like she had everything one would ever want – but the feeling that monopolised her soul, mind and body was burnout. A little bit relatable for each and everyone of us, isn’t it? It’s because sadly (*sobs quietly*) it is in our natural, human drive to dream 24/7 about what we would do for ourselves if we had 48 hours in a day, or if we won the lottery, or if we had a little bit more of something we didn’t even know we needed. In the fast-paced working environment we live in (or at least, try to survive until TGIF), we forget to take a moment for ourselves to just simply breathe and assimilate whatever shit is going on around us. That’s #selfcare. And self-care in camming is as important as in any other domain.
Why you need self-care in camming
Social media may have brought self-care to the large audiences, but you can place all of your bets on the fact that the adult industry has made this concept thrive. Had a bad day? Go to the spa. Feeling physically exhausted? A bath bomb and 12-hour sleep will do the trick. Your boyfriend cheated on you? Drown him. Self-care comes in all shapes and sizes, but at the end of the day, it is one of the main cores when it comes to mainstream culture.
What pampering means to you and someone else is 90% going to be totally different. Take holidays as an example – maybe your type of dream holiday is sluggishly laying on a lounge chair in the sun, while indulging yourself with some waaaay too sweet pina coladas. But for someone else, their idea of leisure on a holiday is hiking, visiting and jumping into volcanoes while taming wild crocodiles. That’s why before actually getting some time off from camming, you should really reflect on what your idea of self-care is.
Dream as big as you can, but keep it real!
Don’t gravitate to low-hanging fruit – things like a bubble bath, a piece of red velvet cake, a new outfit, a new hairstyle matter too, but in order to fully charge your batteries, you gotta think big. Discovering how gratifying putting your needs first is an overwhelmingly pleasurable feeling, but sometimes you have to REALLY invest in yourself. Going on a vacation with your bestie for a couple of days (or weeks, if the budget allows you to) is a relevant example.
Self-care is deffo one of the things that you have. Nor are you born with it. It is something you claim. In an era where everything happens at the speed of light, without giving you too much time to digest and reflect on what the f just happened, taking a step back and breathing is at the top of the hierarchy. If you are going to “talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk”. Remember that self-care is not about making the sale, but about making us a better version of ourselves.