Unlike the vast majority of jobs out there, camming is not a 9-5 hustle – when you press the “log out” button, you still need to remain connected to your loyal fan base. One of the best parts when it comes to camming is that you’re (more or less) your own boss, so you got the benefit of flexibility and freedom at the convenience of your fingertips. But you better spend that time building your empire if you want to earn top dollar sums in the long run. Your cam life might be the only career in the world where you can earn other people’s monthly salary in an 8-hour shift, so it is only natural that it comes with extra duties.
One might think that you income comes from your wavy and voluminous curls, your flawlessly executed make-up or your fierce teasing routine. In reality, only by summing those up we can really get to the roots of your ultimate money-maker – your relationship with members. The foundation of anything and everything in your camming universe is entertaining them, making them part of your daily routine and strengthening the bond with each of them individually. Your friendships don’t pause the moment you go offline – just like real-life comrades.
This means that you should integrate them into every aspect of your life, or at least create that pipe dream from scratch. It might sound like an extra chore that you really don’t want to add to your task list, but taking your members beyond the web is going to make them become more loyal and therefore bigger tippers.
1, 2, 3, send that message!
Most camming platforms have a messenger feature where you can talk to them 1 on 1 when you are not live-streaming – not to mention that you can send footage or pics with a paywall if you want to shove some extra money into your pocket. Of course, you can use that mass message feature to ping all of your members at once, thus generating some cash in an instant – it doesn’t get more efficient than that.
However, bear in mind that most members – especially if they are veterans on the site – will instantly smell a mass message, even from a mile away. Some of them might feel neglected, dilapidated and overlooked. The warmest suggestion that we can give you is to follow the opposite route by adding a human touch with carefully tailored messages. This can work wonders, especially if you are travelling or taking some days off – that is the perfect moment for content creation.
Subscription-based services for the win
This is your chance of tasting a little bit of Rihanna’s success. We don’t necessarily refer to building a make-up empire or dating A$AP Rocky, but about creating your own fan club. Once again, the camming platforms usually integrate and embrace the idea of fan clubs or premium social media functionality. If you haven’t created one yet, you better start once you finish reading this article.
Fan clubs, as well as social media platforms, have the ingrained benefit of bonding you with your members beyond your online hours. Fans are going to get a glimpse of your daily life by getting to know what type of coffee you like in the morning, how your kitchen looks like and how you sleep at night (we all hope that the right answer is naked and muffled in silky bedsheets). The final outcome? Your members are going to feel way more connected with you – they are finally getting to know you, by getting a taste of your real-life persona – so you better make sure that once they get it, they are going to be thirsty for some more.
Take your members outside the bedroom
Nothing screams “connection” more than leisure activities. Take the oldie but goldie shopping session – try on different outfits, take a few pics and ask members if you should take or toss them. Allowing them to have a voice through sharing their opinion is vital – and listening to it even more so. Providing them with the chance to choose the next outfit you are going to wear on cam will help you wrap them around your finger.
But this type of situation doesn’t have to be limited to shopping – with a dash of creativity and a spoonful of ambition, you can play around with any type of activity and shift it from being a bustle to becoming a little game where your members have an active role. Stay safe, implicated and focused – doing some offline tasks is not going to remain unnoticed.