It’s happened to all of the models at some point, right? You sit there and the room is mostly empty and you don’t know what to do. Well, how do you keep yourself motivated in a situation like that? It can’t be easy! Can it?
There are some ways that can help you smile when everything looks down. What you have to remember is that this is only temporary and things will be back to normal soon. But enough chit chat let’s get down to business.
Change the music
What better way to elevate your mood than to listen to something you really like. It’s known music really helps cheer us up. So crank up that tune you like. You’ll never know how traffic might pick up again.
Change your outfit
When nothing seems to work try to change something, in this case, the outfit. Fresh new clothes might be just the pick-me-up you need. Pick something with a bold color to give you an extra boost of energy. Sometimes I change of “scenery” can make the members more interested in coming to your room.
You can dance to keep yourself motivated
Movement is always welcomed and encouraged. A static model is often a model that members will avoid. So maybe a little dancing will lift your mood and attract people back into your room. Make it sensual or fun your choice.
Reconnect with members
If your room hasn’t much to offer then maybe you can whip up the messenger and message your members who you haven’t seen in a while. Or just drop by and say Hi to some of them. One of them is bound to make you smile
Go and talk to your support
When everything else fails you can always go and talk to your team about it. Get a good laugh, hug people, have a little break and eat something and then go back out there and give it your best. You will see that spending some time with the team will charge you full of energy and hope.
Remember why you’re doing this
Sometimes the best way to motivate yourself is to think about why you’re doing this and what pushes you to want more. Do you want to buy a house or maybe a car? Do you support your family? Whatever it is it’s important and reminding yourself why you’re doing this can help you big time.

At the end of the day what you have to remember is that you have to pick yourself up whenever a bad day happens and just take it as it is. It’s strange but the beauty of camming is that no day is like the other so in a sense every day can be whatever you want it to be.
Sometimes traffic is low but that doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. You just smile and act as if nothing happened and things will get back to normal.