We can’t be the only ones who get the shivers, accompanied by a chill down the spine whenever we hear someone’s brisk morning voice or when someone hugs you from behind, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. That is pretty much how a turn-on feels. Unlike most forms of arousing, those mentioned above don’t include erotic elements. Yeah, sex is pretty cool, but what digs deeper into an emotional connection is an abundance of non-sexual turn-ons.

To say that this peculiar type of turn-on is vital in the camming world would be an understatement. You don’t want users to visit your chatroom only once, don’t you? What a cam model strives for is making the sparks fly between her and her member with emotional foreplay in order to create long-lasting relationships. 

Getting naked and masturbating is a large part of the camming hustle, but earning top dollar sums through the obvious solutions isn’t the only paved path to a roaring success. Bear in mind that members are not as shallow as they might seem at first glance. Even though a set of ripped abs and a peachy behind will instantly turn them on, there are more mundane things that can do the trick as well. There is nothing sexual about them indeed, but through their provable magic, they still manage to get them hot and heavy. Without further ado, here are a couple of methods for making viewers crave you in a… non-sexual way.

non-sexual turn-ons

Courtesy is a door-opener 

First things first – nobody will ever nourish their initial attraction towards a cam model if she acts rude. That means not thanking for tips, repeatedly forgetting to salute everybody that clicks on her chatroom and not being able to conduct a conversation further than “My day was good, how was yours?”. Rules of thumb are a) “Thank you” is expected for every tip or power boost you receive; b) “I like you” makes the viewer feel seen (which is a good head start) and c) “I love you” from the get-go will send the wrong message. 

Another golden rule is to smile as if you just received the news that you won the lottery. But don’t exaggerate with the grin – at some point, it would either look scary or seem like you have too much botox in your face. Do so when a member enters your chatroom and accompany your smile with a vocal “Hello!” and mention his name. This will make them feel important, valued and longed for. Nothing says “I missed our time together, not matter how long or short it has been” like a personalised salute. 

Enough with the small talk 

Behind the simplicity of an idle conversation, there is a whole universe that awaits to be uncovered. Get to really know your members until they could easily consider you part of their close social circle. In this case, just asking how their day at work was or what are their plans for the weekend won’t do the trick. Ask about their deepest fears, happiest moments and the achievements that made them most proud. Make them feel like they can talk openly with, about everything and anything. Be their support, the shoulder to cry on and personal therapist. 

You could easily build several paths of emotionally connecting with them by getting to know your members in and out. If you know their most-loved singer or the music genre they can’t stop listening to, play that whenever they enter your room. This symbolises your affection and care for them, by highlighting the extra mile you are going to make them feel seen. As for a member’s favourite sports team, you could make the effort of getting some themed sports gear and wear them during the on-season. No matter the final score, you will definitely win their heart. 

non-sexual turn-ons


What better feeling to wake up to rather than when one of your favourite models is showering you with videos and photos that seem specially tailored for your personal preferences? Nothing. When a user leaves your chatroom, your interaction shouldn’t stop there. Send them messages at the right dose of frequency – enough to keep the consistency of your bond, but less enough to never look spammy. You could easily spice up the content with their favourite lingerie or by mentioning their name in. 

All these acts are non-sexual turn-ons that are playfully seductive enough to make anyone lose their head over you. It is vital to take the needed time to give each member what they want before taking your clothes off. In the end, it will give you more space and energy to focus on the sex when it finally happens.