Did you know that the anal area consists of a lot of pleasurable nerve endings? Maybe that explains why so many people love the sensation of anal sex and other types of anal play. If exploring this region is on your list of interests, it’s hard to go wrong starting your experimentation with butt plugs. They are one of the most common anal toy types available. Manufacturers create butt plugs with both beginner and advanced users in mind.

Even if you’re sure you want to try anal pleasure, you may be worried about purchasing a butt plug. What should you be looking for? Are there certain things that a beginner should avoid? Let’s find out in the following article.

Make sure it’s safe for anal play.

Unfortunately, this has to be said. Some manufacturers produce “butt plugs” that aren’t actually safe for use in the butt. Make sure any anal toy you want to use has a wide base that’s wider than the width of the toy itself and provides a good “stopping point.” The base of the plug is supposed to stay outside of the body for easy removal. So, if it looks like the toy may slip entirely inside the body, you may want to consider a different type of butt plug.

Consider the SIZE of the butt plug.

The biggest rule of thumb is to go smaller in size rather than larger. You can always purchase a larger plug after enjoying your time with a smaller plug. However, you might find it hard to enjoy your sessions with a plug that’s too large for you. Before purchasing a toy, you may want to try anal pleasure with fingers and purchase a toy that’s similar in size to what you enjoy with your hand. As a rule of thumb, many beginners can easily enjoy toys in the 0.75″ to 1.25″ diameter range. Going much larger than that may be larger than some first-time explorers may like.

Read the reviews

You need to read the reviews for your potential butt plug. Some butt plugs will stay in better than others. If you’re going to enjoy your plug while lying in the bed with your partner, it may not be an issue. If you’re hoping to wear it out to get groceries, make sure that the reviewers agree that it stays in pretty well. Some people have been using various butt plugs for years; take advantage of their knowledge before purchasing one to ensure it’s right for you.

Alongside these suggestions for purchasing a butt plug, there are a couple of other things a beginner should know about using anal toys. The most important thing is to relax when using toys. Like any muscle, the anal area can become tense if you aren’t relaxed. If that means you end up playing solo the first couple times in order to relax, that’s perfectly fine.

The second-most important thing is using the proper amount of lubricant. While the vaginal area provides its own lubrication, the anal area does not. Make sure you use enough lubricant; and even once you think you’ve used enough, add a bit more for good measure. Anal tissue is delicate, and you don’t want to cause unintentional injury.

Now that you have the knowledge you need to make a good and educated purchase of a butt plug just go and enjoy playing with it for the first time. Anal pleasure may take a bit of experimentation, so take your time to find out what works best for you.