Who is this butterskin, soft looking hot brunette? YvetteZener, one of the most beautiful and sweet models in the world. Yvette`s photos and videos will leave you wanting for more and more and more. Her flawless skin, angelic face, her beautiful long hair takes you deep into the most beautiful fairytale. Don`t be fooled, this hot brunette might look angelic, but to every innocent face, there is also a wild side.

Yvette is a supreme beauty Goddess with grace and charm. Her glossy skin will remind you of silk touching your body and her wasp waist will take you in the era of belly dancers and maharajas. One of her best features are her eyes which reflect her heart and soul. She is kind hearted and loves to comfort your mind and soul. Her smile makes your day much better and lights an entire room. There is not a chance to miss her presence, when she enteres in your life, beams of light and good energy surround you.
Her perky breasts combined with her milky skin will leave you wanting for more. She is the embodiment of innocence and pureness combined with naughtiness, and fantasies. This hot brunette`s lips taste like strawberry wine making you wanna bite them and kiss them every single moment and her perky breasts invite you to play with them.
Although she is only 19 years old, she carries confidence with grace and elegance. Her intelligence is one of a kind, always wanting to grasp more information and culture. Her giggles and laughs will make your heart skip a beat. Don`t get confused, although she might be the contemporary Snow White, she knows what she wants and she is strong and passionate of what she does.

Yvette is a beautiful mystery, the more you explore, the more you find. She likes to live every moment fully, her slogan is to live, love and laugh unconditionally. When you will start exploring the world of Yvette, you will find her eyes sparking in the darkest times of your life. Her smile is infectious, and she lights up everyone around her. Beauty lies within the soul, and when it comes to Yvette, she is tremendously beautiful in every possible way.