“How long does sex last?” It is the question that bothers many and the answer is very simple: How much time does your partner wants ! We have many preconceptions when it comes to the optimal duration for a successful sex, no one knows exactly what’s the perfect duration. Several studies were done in this regard and an attempt was made to determine the average of sex acts. It was concluded that, on average, a sex act falls between 3 and 13 minutes. It’s surprising, isn’t it? So don’t worry, sex is not necessarily a marathon! In this article, we will explore the different aspects of these questions and you will see the opinion of some women regarding this question. Today we have Amy Blair and Evelline Claire as guests who will answer several questions related to this dilemma. Let’s see what they have to say!
What’s the ideal duration of sexual intercourse for Amy Blair

Livecamsnews: Hi Amy Blair, thank you very much for accepting our invitation to participate in this interview and we are glad to have you here with us! what are you doing, how are you?
AmyBlair: I feel great, thanks for the question! I am very pleased to be here with you and I am ready for any questions you may have to ask me.
Livecamsnews: What is your opinion about the ideal time for a sex match?
AmyBlair: I think there is no ideal time and it varies according to the individual preferences and needs of each woman. I can’t say that an ideal moment of mine would match someone else’s, everyone has different needs.
Livecamsnews: But what do you think, is there a time of the day or week that is more favorable to start a sex game with a woman?
AmyBlair: For some the morning can be ideal, when energy and hormone levels are high, and for others the evening when they can relax more easily.
Livecamsnews: How do you suggest that a man talks to his partner?
AmyBlair: There is only one way, open and honest communication! A man who takes care of a woman’s needs is to be appreciated. The question is simple “When do you prefer sex and where exactly do you like it the most?”.
Livecamsnews: Are there nonverbal signs that can give us clues that a woman is ready for sex?
AmyBlair: A woman’s gestures, breathing, and facial expressions can give you very important clues about her comfort and convenience. I think it’s very easy to tell when a woman wants sex. Only if you are very misogynistic you can’t see, lol
Livecamsnews: What do you say to men who face difficulties in finding the right moment to initiate a sex game?
AmyBlair: I would tell them to try to broach the subject before sex. A simple question: “Do you want to have sex?” solve 1000 problems
Livecamsnews: Do you think that stress and fatigue can affect a woman’s sexual desire?
AmyBlair: Stress and fatigue affect a woman’s desire the most. And if these two are combined, the chances of a woman wanting sex decrease significantly. It is very important for a man to deduce if the woman is affected by these aspects. I think that most refusals come from stress or fatigue, I don’t know a more effective sex killer than these.
Livecamsnews: What do you tell men to do to improve their sexual connection with a woman?
AmyBlair: I would tell them to start with small gestures of love and attention. You can surprise your girlfriend with an unexpected love message, a bouquet of flowers, a box of sweets, something symbolic, and spend quality time together doing things you both love. Sometimes that favorite Netflix movie can lead to a longer sex than the movie itself, lol.
Livecamsnews: Do you think there is a time frame considered too short or too long for sex?
AmyBlair: I don’t think there is such a thing, every woman has different preferences. For me, for example, anything that exceeds 5 minutes is considered a good sex match. Now honestly, I don’t want it to last 30 seconds, but I don’t want to stay in the same position for 5 hours either. Dynamics, chemistry, energy, place, mood, and person matter a lot. There are many aspects that must be taken into account.
Livecamsnews: Thank you very much Amy for coming to our place today and we hope you enjoyed it! We felt great today in your company and we hope that your advice will help others as well.
AmyBlair: I thank you and it was my honor! Whenever you can call me, I am flattered by every invitation of yours!
Livecamsnews: We can’t wait to have you here with us again! Until next time, be loved!
Find Amy Blair on Socials! 👇

Amy Blair taught us that the key to good sex is open and honest communication. There is no ideal time for sex and the duration varies from one woman to another.
Try to surprise your girlfriend with small gestures of affection and you will improve your sex life. We have now invited Evelline Claire, an icon in the camming industry who will also answer several questions, are you curious to see what she has to say?
Ideal sexual intercourse for Evelline Claire

Livecamsnews: We are so happy to have you here today!
EvellineClaire: I’m so glad you called me again guys, it’s always a pleasure to come here!
Livecamsnews: We are so happy to have you here today!
EvellineClaire: I’m so glad you called me again guys, it’s always a pleasure to come here!
Livecamsnews: Can you please tell us what is your secret to always maintain a fun and energetic atmosphere in.. the bedroom?
EvellineClaire: Goodwill, optimism, the desire to make my partner feel good and sometimes even a joke can work wonders even in the most intimate moments.
Livecamsnews: Do you have any hilarious or funny experiences of sex that you would like to share with us?
EvellineClaire: Once we tried to recreate a scene from a romantic movie we had just seen on TV and we both ended up falling out of bed! I remember that it was a classic moment of “epic fail” but we laughed because we fell!
Livecamsnews: Evelline, what do you think about “quickies”? Are they a good choice or do you prefer marathons?
EvellineClaire: I love “quickies” and sometimes they are just what you need! It’s exactly like a shot of expresso, full of energy and pleasure, hihi
Livecamsnews: How long do you need for a perfect quickie? 5 minutes or less?
EvellineClaire: I don’t think there is a perfect quickie, sometimes 5 minutes is enough, but sometimes you might want to extend it a little. Like in football, sometimes it seems like the match is more exciting if there are overtime and 11 meters, hihi
Livecamsnews: What’s the funniest excuse you’ve used to avoid sex?
EvellineClaire: I still laugh when I remember! The funniest excuse was that “I was kidnapped by aliens the night before” hahaha. I wasn’t credible at all, but it was a shock for that boy, he didn’t expect it, and he realized instantly that I didn’t want to do this.
Livecamsnews: What do you think would be super fun to do in the bedroom during a sex party?
EvellineClaire: I think it would be very funny if we tried to dance at the same time! Imagine what that sex game could look like, it’s either a total fail or it becomes something very exciting with sexy movements and coordination.
Livecamsnews: Do you have a funny game that you play in the bedroom?
EvellineClaire: “Run and catch me if you can”.. it’s very fun, it’s worth trying. Guess what happens when he catches me? Lol
Livecamsnews: Tell me, if you could define the “ideal duration of a sex party” in one word, what would it be?
EvellineClaire: Hmm.. I think “satisfying” would be the perfect word! If you think about it, the goal is to feel good and fulfilled no matter how long it takes
Livecamsnews: Thank you very much Eveline for coming to us, it was a great pleasure to have you here again!
EvellineClaire: Anytime guys, you are like family to me! Many kisses!
Find Evelline Claire on Socials! 👇

Therefore, there is no ideal time for sex! Sometimes it can take 5 minutes and sometimes it can take 5 hours. Everything depends on the moment, the person, energy, and chemistry, but what is most important, is communication and attention! We are glad that you stayed with us until the end and if you want to read more articles that will help you improve your sex life, we are waiting for you. We wish you a wonderful day and as much satisfaction as possible on all levels!