Now, this is the real question. Should you cam during the holidays? We can safely say YES! It’s a good option to have in your back pocket. Think about it. There are just as many lonely people as there are people spending the holidays with their families. Why wouldn’t the first bunch spend Christmas or New Year’s Eve with you? And it’s a win-win for you. You don’t even have to stay online for long and you get to make money while also having some fun.
Still, don’t take what we say at face value. Let’s see exactly why it’s great to cam during the holidays.
The traffic will be way better
Most models will be off because they want to spend 100% of their time with their loved ones and that’s fair. But if you manage your time right you can do both. Spend time with your family and make some money. And you’ll get the best traffic since most everyone’s away.
A lot of lonely people will be online
Some members will want to spend their holidays with their favorite models so they will surely be online looking for you. Why not give them just that? Make some money and also keep someone company. It’s perfect.
The members will appreciate it
It may not seem so at first but your members, as well as new members, will appreciate seeing you online during the holidays. Even a couple of hours means a lot to them and to them it also means you care. Many models choose to be 100$ offline but you could go a step further and show how much you care for your members and their well-being.
You can meet new members
Yep, you heard right! A lot of members won’t have their usual models online so they will look elsewhere for company and fun. That’s when you come in! You can make them into your regulars providing you play your role well.
Camming during the holidays can be really fun
You can go online near your Christmas tree or your decorated fireplace. You can wear something cute. Maybe a sexy red dress or a short skirt with socks or even sexy lingerie. Your imagination is the limit. Invite your members to have a cup of hot cocoa with you or some eggnog and reap the benefits. Urge them to have a 1 on 1 private session so you could see their decorated homes too and maybe share a moment just the two of you.

So stop waiting and start making that camming plan right now. Organize yourself and then see the results of your hard work. This year you can get extra gifts for yourself and your loved ones. All you have to do is cam a little do make a lot!